Dan complained, accurately, that I had not posted since December. I actually have a few things to say and had been meaning to blog, so his complaint was well-received and here I am, blogging.
First, I will answer his question about my sweater. It bit the dust rather unceremoniously when I realized that the gauge was off by a half-stitch per inch. This had NOT shown up when I swatched (made a small test square with the intended yarn and needles), but it did show up about six inches into the sweater. I cannot express enough how glad I was to have discovered it when I did.
I am, however, making Ben a sweater. It's basically made out of thick sock yarn, if that gives you any idea about the size of the stitches. I'd say that the back and the front (which is a mere few inches away from completion) are worth a few pairs of socks right there. Yeah. It's taking a long time, and I wish I could show you, but so far the pictures I have taken aren't worth shit. I shall persevere and hopefully soon I'll have something beautiful to show.
I vary between contentedly knitting the sweater and staring balefully at it from across the room, sure it will never end. In those moments, I have been knitting socks. Socks are like a sexy summer fling on the beach, and sweaters are like marriage to someone you thought you loved until you realized that "forever" is an incredibly long time...
Or at least that's what I've heard while watching those court shows on TV. You know, when you're knitting while the baby and the dog sleep and husband is at work, the house gets really quiet. I can't really handle too much silence, as anyone who has met me will tell you, so I've been turning on local TV stations. That's a real bummer, since the only things on are court TV shows. Throughout my life I've wondered how it is that I have such beautiful, smart, kind, loving, creative, and all-around divine friends when I know there have to be enough stupid people in the world for the average IQ to be 100. I found the people throwing the curve way, way off: they're on court TV. Apparently they've managed to find each other and stay the hell out of my way, so I have sort of been counting my blessings. Plus, I think maybe some of the techniques the judges use might help me settle sibling disputes later on. Probably not, but perhaps.
So Olivia is 6.5 mos. old and she's already learning to talk. On Mother's Day she said "Mama" for the first time, and now she's realized that if she wants something, she can call me and I'll most likely get it for her. If she's with Ben and for some reason she wants me, I'll hear her yell really loudly "Mamamamamamamama" and hearing her little voice hollering makes me really happy. She loves food, clothes, yarn, music and her father, so so far we have a lot in common. I caught her dancing to rap music the other morning, though, and I had to have a few words with her. KEXP, the independent and phenomenal Seattle station plays anything that doesn't suck, and a few things that do suck. Thus the exposure to rap... But the child has her rights.
So I keep losing weight because of the breastfeeding, and it's not like I'm a stick or anything, but I've stopped wanting to buy pants because they just keep falling off. I like being slender again, but I hope soon my wardrobe can consist of more than wrap skirts, dresses and yoga pants. Does anyone like taking in clothes?
I was talking about being tired of having no one to socialize with, and then my cool new hairdresser (also a young mama) gave me her number so we could hang out, and I ran into this cool lady I met when I first moved to Seattle and she wanted my number to hang out. I have a friend coming over on Friday, and I tell ya kids, things are looking up.
That said, if anyone has money for an air fare and is stuck for ideas of places to visit, Seattle is awesome this time of year. There's tons to do, and lovely old ME to do them with, so get yer butts up here.